City for Everyone Platform

This document describes a set of values that City for Everyone members have agreed on to work together to build a better world. If you think “I can work with people who believe this, but it isn’t exactly me”, that’s fine, come on in. We have this platform so when people ask us what we mean by “City for Everyone”, we can say “it’s kinda like this”, so that people who generally agree can realize they don’t have to work alone. Labels are beacons, not fences.

Housing is a human right

Capitalism will ultimately fail to provide for all people, so social housing must be created by the people, for each other, just like socialized healthcare, libraries, and fire departments.

Immediate action is necessary

We recognize that a perfect housing system will take time to create, so we have to take short term action to minimize the ongoing damage from the unreasonable cost and limited availability of housing. We advocate for both incremental policy changes and a radical long term vision.

Freedom of movement is essential

Within communities, everyone should be able to move freely to access to jobs, services, and places where they can thrive via effective, accessible, and equitable transit systems. Between communities, in a world full of bigotry, war, and climate change-driven displacement, it is essential that we welcome newcomers with open arms and open doors.

Center marginalized people and communities

The people and communities most harmed by the problems we want to fix are the people who know best what they need; we will follow their lead and support them, both among our own membership, and in working with other groups.  

Systems of discrimination must be destroyed

From racist policies like neighborhood covenants, exclusionary zoning, and discriminatory mortgage lending, to individual acts of bigotry like evicting queer people and sex workers, we will not only oppose today’s oppression, but help heal the deep wounds it has caused in the past.

Density helps use land for everyone

Denser housing like apartment buildings avoids sprawl, reduces car dependence, stabilizes market prices, enables public transit, reduces greenhouse gases, and builds communities.

All people have a right to the city

Cities bring together diverse people, create opportunities, and transform ways of life, while supporting conservation of land and resources. We must ensure that all people, young and old alike, have an equal right to the opportunities and benefits cities bring.

Owning a home should not be an investment

Relying on property values to pay for retirement denies it to all but the rich, at the expense of people without homes. A safe stable life must be available to everyone, not an investment to be hoarded; though we acknowledge that homeownership has historically been an important way for working class people to secure their right to the city.